All ages had a memorable time this Palm Sunday, starting with our traditional Palm Processional. Big thanks to Barbara for cutting and cleaning all those palm fronds for us to use! And thanks also to Lorelei and Clinton for hosting a work session to fold palms into crosses to share with everyone in the congregation!
After the service the congregation feasted on a lovely brunch prepared by Chef Drew before checking out all the silent auction baskets and placing bids. There were book baskets (including banned books), yummy baskets with edible goodies, Sea World tickets in an ocean themed basket, gorgeous fresh flower arrangements, purses, games, a Barbie themed basket and more! And of course the raffle for a GIANT Squishmallow Chick.
Once the winners were announced the kids headed outside for the much awaited Easter Egg Hunt. They searched high and low and everyone left with at least a dozen filled eggs.
Seeing so many happy faces was the perfect start to Holy Week!