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First Congregational Church offers many “Doorways of Entry” into the life of our church for adults.  Some of these happen every Sunday, others during the week, and some throughout special times of the year.  These include:


  • Faith and Bible Discussion – These happen at 9 am on Sunday mornings year-round, and are led by our Senior Minister.  The topic varies weekly, and the discussion lasts around 45 minutes.  This is an informal, hybrid gathering in our Conference Room, so feel free to bring coffee, food, and your questions!

  • Journeying Together – More topics and discussions continue after worship in this virtual gathering  led by Rev. Dr. Sherie Lindamood.  Rev. Sherie’s topics cover a wide range of subjects, and the discussion is always lively! Other gatherings and topics happen periodically throughout the year,  and we let our FCCWP Family know through our bulletin, our newsletter, and this web site.

  • Chancel Choir – Our adult choir is led by Dr. John Sinclair, our Director of Music as well as being Chair of Music at Rollins College and director of the Bach Festival Choir.  Our choir sings on most Sundays throughout the school year, often joined by incredibly talented guest soloists and instrumentalists.  The Chancel Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm.

  • Book Club – Our Book Club meets on the 4th Sunday of the month to read and discuss both fiction and non-fiction.  The books and schedule are announced through our monthly “What’s Happening” newsletter and also in the Events section of the website.

  • FCCWP’s Library – Our lending library is in Fellowship Hall, right between the Parlor and the Chapel, and is open to all members

  • Prayer Shawl Ministry – This group meets on the third Tuesday of the month, and is open to all individuals at FCCWP who enjoy knitting and crocheting (or want to learn), quiet meditation and being together in friendship.  Meeting times are found on our Calendar. 

How to reach us!


​225 S. Interlachen Avenue

Winter Park, FL  32789




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© 2024 by First Congregational church of Winter Park
An Open and Affirming Church of the United Church of Christ

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